"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Friday, July 16, 2010

*The Results Are In!*

O.k. so they have "been in" for a couple of weeks now but I am just getting around to posting it.
Damien Mikel 27 votes (48%)
Axton Mikel 18 votes (32%)
Jagger Mikel 5 votes (8%)
Baby Batman 6 votes (10%)
We CLEARLY have a winner and to be honest that's what I voted for
now I am so unsure. I know that I am being retarded but a name is a BIG deal. I am now back to really liking Jagger, I feel like it fits into our family better...Hunter, Skyla & Jagger, I feel like putting Damien in there sounds kind of fancy. I know that Jagger is not the popular choice (Baby Batman beat out Jagger for heavens sake:) but Chris and I really like it. I don't think we will know what to name him until he comes. We shall see:)


Tammy K said...

I think you look great. remind me to show you the picture i had taken THE DAY I had Tanner - you wanna talk huge :)

I'm all about naming the baby when they get here - I know you guys usually have it all figured out, but I just think it's nice to see them and then see if it fits.

Can't wait to get the call/text letting me know that baby is here!!!!!