We went up North about a week and a half ago and we had a BLAST!
The first day (Friday) Chris had an appointment with Provo College and then went to work with Jake. That night all the boys got together to watch the kids and the girls went to a Mary Kay night. It was so much fun, we got makeovers and our eyebrows waxed and Olive Garden catered it. This picture is all of us with our new makeup. After that we went and watched FAME it was a cute movie but one that the boys probley wouldn't have enjoyed much.
The next day (Saturday) the boys left at 5:30 am to go out hunting. From what I hear they went in some insane places with the horses. I'm so glad they had so much fun.

Mom took me and the kids up to Sundance to ride the ski lift. It was so beautiful up there and so fun to be in the mountains.

I had this night mare that Lala was going to fall off the lift so I held onto her with dear life. I was, to say the least, a little paranoid!
We all enjoyed it so much. Thanks again Grandma for letting us go with you!

Afterwards we went to Los Hermanos for dinner. Salem Hills was having their Homecoming that night and we were seated next to a huge group of probley 20 couples. Hunter kept saying "Look Mom , I see a princess!" It was so cute. Every time he would see another girl he would say "Wow, another princess!"

you will have so much fun being up north, closer to your family. I am excited for you. Congrats on starting into the photography. Maybe i will have to have you do it up north, in the spring. My brother eric is going on his mission and mom wants one last family pic before he goes. But it would be a little bigger group. So, i will call you when it gets closer. As for our own family pics, i think we will have to wait. We have just had some other financial things come up recently like a dentist appt with at least 6 cavities. ;( and we are trying to buy a bigger vehicle too. So once that pans out and we know where finances are going, we will set up a time. It will probably be after you are in SF but that's okay, we will be visiting soon anyway. ;)
It is going to be so fun to have you all here. It was a blast when you came last time. You are a great photograghper and I will help get the word out! Love you!!!
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