"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I thought I would give you an update on our sweet little Hunter. Let's just say he is such a stud. He is seriously the nicest little boy I have ever met. He genuinely in so concerned about everyone. There will be times that we get frustrated at Lala for screaming and crying for no reason and Chris or I will say, "Skyla, that's enough!" and Hunter will start crying and say "She is just sad." He has such a beautiful little heart and I want to be more loving like he is. He is such a good example to me.
I got my new studio equipment for my photography studio today so I set it all up just to see how it all works and Hunter said, "Mommy, will you take pictures of me and Daddy?" so that is the next few pictures. I didn't edit them or anything, if I have time I will do it later.
They posed this, not me!:)

Hunter has many faces. This is his Ninja face.

Hunter LOVES any kind of craft. The other day I came into the kitchen and he was painting on the floor.

We went to the park the other day with some friends of ours (Jake, Cammi, Jaxon, and Carter) and Hunter got his face painted for the first time. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. I guess I never realized that all they use is craft paint... I can do that!:0

I thought I would also include some of the funny things that Hunter says:

"You're a Knucklehead Dad!"

He calls me and Lala "Chick" after he is talking to us about whatever, "Sorry Chick!" "You're funny Chick!" "Come with me Chick" You get the idea.

Skyla was sick for a couple of weeks and when she would cry he would say (in the sweetest, highest voice) "Are you O.K. Sweetie?"

"Uhhh!!! This is FRUSTRATING me!"

"Oh Man!"


The other day at breakfast Hunter said "How are you guys today?" we said "Good, how are you today?" He said, "Awesome! So Lala, what are your plans?"

Today he was playing Dr. on my bed with a huge moose he got from his Grandma last year for Christmas. I hear him say "Don't worry Mr. Moose, the Dr. is here!" He said "Let's see it's thirty to clock" then he proceeded to take his temperature and said "Oh no, it's 36 cents!"

These are just the things I am remembering off the top of my head... he seriously says the funniest things everyday. I love him so much and am so grateful that he is my little Hunter.


Jess Beach said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Hunter! I can't wait until you're up here so I can hear all of his awesomeness in person. Love you guys!

patty323 said...

you have such a cute little boy he is very photogenic

Janice said...

Hunter is so funny. I'm with Jess, it will be so fun to have you up here with us. Having all the cousins together is going to be a hoot! Happy day and give the kids a kiss from grandma! LOVE YOU

Mike and Karen said...

I don,t know if I can stand it. He is such a cute little guy, I love him so much. I love you all so much. Thanks for doing to blog. It helps to see you all and hear your stories. I miss you. Mom

Jake and Megan said...

He is too cute!!! I love the dr and the moose story. He's so funny.

Tammy K said...

I want him ... it's really that simple!

I love EVERYTHING about that boy EVERYTHING -
yes that means the occasional tantrums and ALL

OF COURSE we miss you and chris and miss Skyla OH SO much BUT ...

We were there for Hunter's growing up into this beautiful little man that he is. There is a tender spot in my heart JUST FOR HIM! And if I think about not being there for the rest of him growing up it makes my eyes start to well up ... which is happening as I type ...

I miss him and in a perfect world we would still be where he is - Because he is truly a little piece of Heaven in this mess we call life - as cliche as that may sound - it's the truth.

I CAN ONLY HOPE that Tanner grows up to be JUST like his Cousin Hunter. I agree that you guys are VERY lucky to have him as your baby boy - you must be doing something right :)

We sure love you Hunter and wish we got to see you more!

and That's what I want to add to this Hunter post!