"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

*What should we name our Baby Boy?*

On the side of my blog I have a poll for what we should name our Baby Boy. I think we have pretty much narrowed it down to these three (but you never know) anyway, I am leaning one way and Chris another and Hunter clearly another...we thought it would be fun to see what ya'll think.

Monday, April 26, 2010

*Maternity/Family Pictures*

My little seester, Jess was awesome enough to take my Maternity pictures before she goes to Texas. I let her use my camera and then I edited them. She did such an awesome job!

Thanks again Jess! You are the BEST!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

*YaY fOr SpRiNg!*

Doesn't it just make you feel so....fresh and new when the Spring comes?! I LOVE the Spring and was so excited last week when the weather was good enough to just go outside and be, ya know?

Skyla LOVED the yellow tulips in the front yard, we seriously just sat there and enjoyed them for a good 30 minutes while Hunter was riding his bike with his new Best Friend, Brock.

She would get excited every time a bird would fly by or she could hear one chirping.

This is her picking the dirt out of her toes...she looks so serious!:)


A couple of Saturdays ago we went with the ENTIRE family and played baseball and then went to Kelly and Jen's for a BBQ. It was such a blast!
The "Cheer" Section:)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

*Sleepy Head*

First off...I LOVE this girl! She really is the best little girl in the world! She is happy about 98.5% of the time and she is an AWESOME sleeper. (I am hoping this post doesn't jinx me) She wakes up at 8:30 (sometimes 9:00), takes a couple hour nap at 10:30, wakes up has lunch, takes another couple hour nap around 3:00, wakes up eats dinner and goes to bed at 7:30. How lucky am I? A lot of times we have to wake her up to eat dinner with the family. These pictures are one of those times. You can tell she's a bit of a zombie at first but then she takes one look at her Daddy and a big smile appears.

*Easter Pictures*

I know this is a little late but here is Hunter and Skyla's Easter attire.
This little yellow dress is my FAVORITE!!! My mother in law bought this when we were shopping 3 years ago, Skyla wasn't even a thought at the time but I knew that I LOVED that dress and when I had a little girl she HAD to have it. She bought it in every color for her other grand-daughters but I fell in love with the yellow. I cant believe she already fits into it. They are both growing WAY to fast!I was disappointed in some of the pictures...this is the only one she is happy in and yes, it is blurry!AHHHHHH!
FYI- He poses himself:)

*Canyon View Park*

On Thursday night Chris didn't didn't have class so we decided to go to Canyon View Park and have a picnic and feed the ducks. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, we are excited that we finally can get out of the house!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*Jazz Game*

Chris took Hunter to the Jazz Game last night and Tom took Carly. Hunter has been looking forward to going to a game for a long time! They even got to ride on Trax which was pretty exciting:) Hunter called me in the middle of the game and said "Mommy, I'm sad" I said "Why?" He said "Because I know you miss me so much and I don't want you to be sad!" How sweet is my little boy! They didn't get home until midnight but they had a great time. The Jazz won by 1 point, Chris said it was a great game. Chris also said he wont take Hunter again for a couple more years because he got over it pretty fast. Surprising for a three year old;) I let Chris take me camera so that he could take pictures of Hunters first game and came home with 0!

*Easter* (Sunday)

*Funny Story*
On Saturday night Hunter was throwing a HUGE fit because he wanted to hang out with the boys and play basketball and we wouldn't let him. I went into his room to assist his Daddy and said "Do I need to call the Easter Bunny and tell him not to come to our house?" He screamed "No, No!" but still wasn't calming down. So Chris opens his phone and pushes some buttons... a minute later he says "Hi, is this the Easter Bunny? Ya, I don't know if you remember me but I am Hunter Knudsens dad and I needed to tell you that he wasn't being a very good boy right now.......you want to talk to him? Ok here he is" Hunter answers the phones sobbing "Hello, Easter Bunny?" The Easter Bunny(aka Uncle John) says in a "bunny" voice "Hunter, you need to go to bed and be good for your Mommy and Daddy!" Hunters says "Ok I will" They talked for a minute more and Hunter was totally calmed down. It was SOOO funny! Thanks Uncle John for being on your toes when Chris called, you're the best!:)
Needless to say the Easter Bunny made it to our house. Hunter was so excited to find his basket!
Skyla got a bunch of "Girly" things. It's all she ever plays with now.
Hunter got a summer outfit, sunglasses, and a mini Book of Mormon and a Hymn book...he was so excited. He LOVES reading his scriptures and every week he asks his Daddy is he can borrow his hymn book.

Watching Conference

All of the family came over at 5:00 for Dinner and then an Easter Egg Hunt. The kids had a great time and the adults had fun chatting.

What a wonderful day!

*Easter* (Saturday)

We woke up on Saturday not sure of what the weather was really going to be like. It looked fine, but cold so we decided to bundle up and head to the Spanish Fork Ball Park and have us an Easter Egg Hunt. It lasted a whole 15 minutes and the kids loved it!

Grandma came with us and helped Skyla so I could take pictures:) She gathered four little eggs so that Skyla could put them in the bag herself.
So excited for what they got!
Then we went home to watch General Conference (which was Fabulous by the way!) and Skyla helped me fill the Easter Eggs for the family Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday.
After Conference we colored eggs.

It was a really fun day full of amazing food, courtesy of Chris, who LOVES to cook over conference weekend, and fun with our cute kiddies!
Chris, Cory, and Jake went to Priesthood together and then came home and played basketball forever! (Mike came for the basketball and Jake went home to change and never came back:)

*Grandma & Grandpa*

Chris' Uncle Larry passed away last week which was really sad but we can not lie, we were so excited that we would be able to see Grandma and Grandpa. We love them so much and have missed them like crazy! We used to see them every single day and now if we are lucky we see them every several months. Hunter had been having a particularly hard time missing his Grandpa...every time they would talk they would both end up crying and it completely broke Chris and I's heart. (and I can't lie, I ended up crying too:) Anyway so we were Ecstatic to see them! Our kids were beyond thrilled!

When we took them up to the airport to go home Hunter buried his head in his hands and sobbed "I just don't want them to leave me!" over and over again. We all were crying. We are such big babies:) Anyway now we can look forward to the next time we see them when our little baby boy arrives...YAY!
We love you Grandma and Grandpa and it was SOOOO good to see you!