*Funny Story*
On Saturday night Hunter was throwing a HUGE fit because he wanted to hang out with the boys and play basketball and we wouldn't let him. I went into his room to assist his Daddy and said "Do I need to call the Easter Bunny and tell him not to come to our house?" He screamed "No, No!" but still wasn't calming down. So Chris opens his phone and pushes some buttons... a minute later he says "Hi, is this the Easter Bunny? Ya, I don't know if you remember me but I am Hunter Knudsens dad and I needed to tell you that he wasn't being a very good boy right now.......you want to talk to him? Ok here he is" Hunter answers the phones sobbing "Hello, Easter Bunny?" The Easter Bunny(aka Uncle John) says in a "bunny" voice "Hunter, you need to go to bed and be good for your Mommy and Daddy!" Hunters says "Ok I will" They talked for a minute more and Hunter was totally calmed down. It was SOOO funny! Thanks Uncle John for being on your toes when Chris called, you're the best!:)
Needless to say the Easter Bunny made it to our house. Hunter was so excited to find his basket!
Skyla got a bunch of "
Girly" things. It's all she ever plays with now.

Hunter got a summer outfit, sunglasses, and a mini Book of Mormon and a Hymn book...he was so excited. He LOVES reading his scriptures and every week he asks his Daddy is he can borrow his hymn book.
What a wonderful day!