"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Friday, December 14, 2012

*Nielsen Adult Party*

We had SO much fun on our "Christmas Date" that my Mom takes us on every year but it didn't come easily....it all started when Chris was playing basketball with Hunter and Wyatt...he came in breathing REALLY heavy and jumping around, you know when Chris is hurt because he is NOT dramatic AT ALL so when he does Dramatic things like this it usually is a big deal. He said he heart a big pop and he was nervous that it was broken (which we was REALLY mad about)As he started wrapping his foot all the kids were huddled around him (Skyla, Sadie, Hunter, Kaulin, and Wyatt) they were SO worried about him, I told them that he was going to be OK and to pray to Heavenly Father and to have Faith that he would be....one at a time they all kneeled down and silently started to pray  it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen and of course started to cry...the faith of a little child.... I told Chris to get in the car, we were going to go to the E.R. Once we were there they took us right back (we were the only ones there) took him back to Radiology and then the Dr. came took us to look at the x-rays...NOT BROKEN...what a relief, it was just a BAD sprain (which a lot of times hurts WAY worse then broken) We were seriously in and out in 30 minutes...it was AWESOME! We learned a lot of important lessons on Faith that day:D We came home got ready and was only 10 minutes late to dinner. We had AMAZING food (we get to order anything and Everything we want, it's SO fun)and then went to the Scera Shell for "The First Christmas" it was REALLY well done, SUCH a fun night!

(These pictures are a couple days later, I WISH I would have taken some that day his foot was three times this size)