"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Monday, January 16, 2012

*Stitches are OUT*

Skyla got her stitches out on Tuesday. Hunter REALLY wanted to go with her so I let him come.  The whole way over Skyla was telling us how brave she was going to be, I knew that once she got there it would be a different story and was I right? HECK YES I was right:) As soon as they walked us back and she saw the bed she started freaking out. She wanted to sit on my lap but they needed her to lay down. The nurse was trying SO hard to calm her. She got her scissors out to cut them and she said to Skyla "Look how cute these tiny little scissors are!" Skyla calmed down a little and goes "They ARE cute!" Then the nurse explained what she was going to do and she freaked out again. They called in 3 more nurses to help hold her down. Hunter did not like that ..he said to me "their not going to hurt her are they?" He is such a great brother. I had her little face and hand and as soon as the second stitch was out she started to relax. She was totally calm by the time they were down and she sits up and says in a perky voice..."I was SO brave...Huh Mom!" She was so proud of herself. 

