"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Friday, January 6, 2012

*Little Stinker!!!*

The other day Jagger was playing in his room while I was paying some bills. I hadn't checked on him in maybe 5 minutes and when I went to check on him this is what I found:
 He was on the stairs with a Ding Dong, it was ALL OVER! At first I kind of laughed and ran and got my camera because I thought it was kind of cute:) So after I took some pictures of him, I took him into the kitchen to clean him up and I found 5-6 Ding Dongs eaten and all over the floor. What a punk! The ironic thing is, is that Chris and I had talked just a couple of hours before this happened about putting a lock on those doors. Crazy kid!