"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Chris and Cory had the bright idea to go to the cabin to get one of our old snowmobiles and fix it up so they both had something to ride around here. Well they decided to take Hunter, Kaulin, and Sadie with them. They only had 1 machine (my grandma's old XLT) that was semi working. They had to go up to Fairview and get a chain before that was officially running right. They left in the morning and last minute decided that they were going to spend the night up there so Elisha prepared them to go (They had already left our house when they decided:) So they were on there way. Elisha said that Cory called her at 2:00 from Fairview and they were on their way up. So I went about the rest of the day taking care of the younger two kids. After dinner, Elisha was going to come over and show me the new bedding she got for Christmas (beautiful by the way:) and Mom and I told her she should just stay the night she said she would think about it, but probably not. She had a few more errands to run and by the time she was done she called and said she was coming to stay. Nobody wants to be alone when the boys are out of town...Right?! Anyway, I had rented a movie for us and when the kids were asleep we settled in on the couch with our snacks. So we start watching "Charlie St. Cloud" and are kind of wondering why the boys haven't called us yet to tell us they were safe. They ALWAYS call as AS SOON as they get up there...especially when they have our kids. The later it got the more scared we got. If you've seen the movie you would know that it WAS NOT appropriate for the feelings we were having concerning our family. In the movie when Charlie finds the note on the door "Come find me!" Elisha looks at me and says "Is this a sign" So naturally we are in full blown panic mode! My Mom and Ken where downstairs watching a movies so we decided to go ask Mom what we should do. We kept trying to call, knowing we wouldn't get through but to show them that we were trying to call if they checked their phones. Chris' phone kept ringing which meant it was turned on so I was so confused as to why he wouldn't call...It wasn't out of battery or it would have gone straight to voicemail like Cory's. Anyway, it was pitch black outside and FREEZING cold outside. We just kept thinking maybe the snowmobile didn't work and they were trying to get to our cabin and of our poor kids so cold and scared and then we thought well did they even make it to the cabin or did the car go over a cliff or slide off the road? Let's just say our minds went wondering to the most awful things! We decided to say a prayer and then we called a bunch of different people to see if they new if certain people where up in Fairview that we could get a hold of...their wasn't then my Mom called the Sheriffs office (I was busy crying and freaking out) and as soon as we told them there were three kids, one 6 and 2 4 year involved we had their attention. He said he would send someone up to make sure they had made it to the parking lot and call us back as soon as he could get back down the mountain where there would be service. We new that if they made it to the parking lot the chances of them running into someone to help them or breaking into a cabin were pretty good. Elisha felt pretty calm and decided to go to bed. Mom and I waited up til 2:00 AM when the officer said that the car was there. I felt better (not great but better:) so we went to bed.
The next morning Elisha went home early and we told each other that we would call each other as soon as we new anything. We heard NOTHING. Kelly called early and asked if I wanted him to get some buddies and go looking for them. I said I didn't hear anything by noon then yes. After talking to Elisha she said realistically to give them until 2 and what do you know we heard from them around 11:30. I answered the phone and the first thing that came out of Chris' mouth was "I'm soooo sorry we COULD NOT get reception up there!" I started bawling and thanking my Heavenly Father for keeping them safe. You could hear the kids laughing in the background. Obviously they had no idea what we had just been through. I thought I had lost my boys. I know that sounds dramatic but I just kept thinking why would I think that something that traumatic couldn't happen to me? It could! None of us are exempt from tragedy of one kind or another. When they walked in the door Chris came running over to me and said "We're Alive, We're Alive!" then he looked right at me and said "You are so paranoid" My Mom and I just looked at each other like "he DID NOT just say that!"


The Nielsens said...

LOL. Cory says I can't freak you out anymore during times like these, esp. when I feel pretty calm about it (:

Jess Beach said...

Hahaha...I am laughing at Chris being surprised you were worried, not about the entire situation. Just glad they're okay!

ANeibaur said...

I would have totally had the exact same reaction! I just wouldn't have had the guts to call the sheriff. Good for you for wanting your family to stay safe. :) I'm glad nothing serious happened. I read the news a lot (possibly not a good thing)
and you might be surprised how much things like what you were describing actually do happen. Just in my area on Christmas day a newly engaged couple slid off the mountain and never came back to their families.
I'm sorry you panicked, but I'm glad it was all for nothing ;)

Love you Jamie!