We had a wonderful/weird Christmas this year. Wonderful because I was with my beautiful little family and they are all I need in life. But weird in the fact that it was just us until Christmas night. We have ALWAYS been surrounded by at least one of our extended family. It was the Knudsen sides Christmas this year and well let's just say we couldn't afford to go to Texas:)
Don't get me wrong we still had a blast it was just very quiet most of the day which for us is just not normal.
The kids got to have a "Sleep Out" in the upstairs living room and we told them that when ever they woke up we would go downstairs and see if Santa came. Well Hunter woke up about 7:00 to go to the bathroom so of course I woke up and laid there with butterflies...so excited for the kids to go downstairs. Well Hunter gets done taking care of his business he comes in and says "Can I snuggle with you guys" we said sure and he just laid there and didn't say anything so about 15 minutes later I said "Hunter, don't you want to seen if Santa came?" He goes "Oh yeah I forgot!" and started jumping up and down so excited...FINALLY:) Hunter went and got Skyla and Jagger happened to wake up right then too so we went and got Grandma and headed downstairs.
*Skyla got a chest full of Princess clothes and a couple of DVDs (amongst other little things)
*Hunter got a TON of Batman stuff, Clothes, legos, mask etc. plus a fireman helmet and some DVDs with a bunch of other little things.
*Jamie (me) got a sewing machine with a bunch of things that go with it and $100.00 to do what ever I wanted with (I bought a Nikon Nikkor 50 mm 1.8 lens...LOVE IT)
*Chris got awesome remote control cars than him and Hunter can play with , CD, DVDs, and 2 Jazz tickets so he can take whoever he wants to.
Mom made her amazing pancakes for breakfast and from then on we just played and ate. When the kids went for naps we played Hand and Foot and couldn't wait til the Nielsen family would arrive and bring some noise and chois:) We had such a blast with the family and had a wonderful dinner with funeral potatoes and ham then we played Werewolf...FUNNEST GAME EVER! (Chris got it in his stocking:)
We had a great Christmas!