"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Monday, October 14, 2013


I took the kids (including Brock:) to the Spanish Fork splash pad and the kids were having the BEST time, the boys came running over to me to help them put on their "Dragon Wings" so I helped them. Jagger was the last one so he was behind the older boys who had already "flown" away, he started running to catch up to them (as I'm telling him NOT to run because he would fall) and he totally biffs it face first (he wouldn't let go of his "wings" to catch his fall) it was SO sad!!! He's so tough though. I thought we would for sure have to take him to get stitches because the cut was very deep and wouldn't stop bleeding but it didn't pass his lip line (thank goodness) so he didn't need stitches just some popcycles :D