"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

*Churkey Day*

Meet Running Bear! 
This is Hunter's Native American name. Chris and I got to come up with the name for a school project.
 It means "he never slows down and is very protective over is cubs (aka family)
He came home with this AWESOME picture of him as a Native American. (everyone thought it was a pirate:)
I LOVE it:!
 He also made this for Thanksgiving. He is getting very creative:) 
He didn't even ask how to make it, he came up with it on his own.

Thanksgiving this year was very low key. We had Donna and Chad's family over for the big feast. Chad and Chris watched football and the girls looked at all the black Friday sales while we waited for everything to be ready. When we pulled out the turkey and started cutting into it, it wasn't done, it was still bleeding in places!  Our biggest mistake was that we bought a 25 pound turkey and put the tinfoil on to tight so the heat couldn't get in, so Chris and Donna ran to the store and bought a rotisserie chicken. We teased that instead of a Turkey dinner we had a churkey dinner:) It was a lovely meal and a very relaxing Thanksgiving:)
 (Skyla got her first pair of heels and she LOVES them, she cried when I told her she couldn't sleep in them for her nap:)

(Not bad for a timer picture:) The only one not looking is Skyla and let's be honest she wouldn't be looking even if someone was standing behind the camera:)


Ashley said...

Jam, I love to see your pics of your cute family! You are such a good mama!! Your family is so lucky to have a great mom who does so many fun things with them! :)